Saturday, June 09, 2007
My two year old ate some spaghetti tonight! He is so picky...this is huge! I'm so excited! Here is a freebie:

Template #78!

Download expired.

I have a few layouts to post later, so don't worry if you have sent me one and I haven't posted it yet! I'll get to it.

Thanks for your comments!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Andrea! Had fun reading through your blog. It's funny, I thought you were a teenager when I saw your picture. :)

Anonymous said...

I have a picky two year old and spaghetti is one of our few stand-by foods that she WILL eat. :-)

She actually ate a taco tonight and I was so excited; I probably exclaimed my happiness about it to my husband 10 times or more. Definitely a huge deal in our household these days.

Thanks for the template!

LVMommy22 said...

hmmm ... toddlers and food. such a difficult combination at times! i always feel good when my kids eat spaghetti because of the tomato sauce - anything to get a little vegetable into them, lol! yay for you! thanks for the latest template - i can't believe you're up to 78!!!
:) M

3prinser said...

Thank you again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another awesome template!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it awful when kids won't eat? I have 4 and trying to find something they will all like is worse than finding a needle in haystack. Congrats on the spaghetti - I hope it spells the beginning of an easier time for you.

Thank you for such a great template. I love your work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for creating and sharing this template. I'm a junkie too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful template Andrea, they are always appreciated. I haven't had a toddler in so many years that I've forgotten how finicky they are. In my mind,I remember that mine ate anything I put in front of them.
(Notice the twinkle in my eye!) Unfortunately, my memory ain't what it used to I do remember that when they ate spaghetti, there were always noodles hanging off their faces somewhere. I suppose that is an inevitability.

Inma said...

Congratulations on getting your child eat new foods. :) It could be so difficult at that age. :)

I hope you are feeling better from last week and thanks a million for the template. :)

Best wishes. :o)

dianagrind said...

lolol. Bet you made the mistake of saying, Oh, he won't eat spaghetti!!! That will do it every time.

tfs the cute templates.

Anonymous said...

I remember coming home one night after leaving the kids with the baby- sitter, and finding spaghetti on the ceiling of our kitchen! Don't think the toddler could have gotten it up that high--we have 9.5 foot ceilings,lol!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the much needed template!

grambie said...

Kids & their picky eating. I introduced any pasta to my kids, so many years ago, as finger food. Found that they loved to pick it up themselves mess & all, so I can invision the ending process of his meal. You must scrap that moment in time. So cute. My great-grandson & granddaughter are both an est 17 mths & they are both hooked on noodles. So KUDOS for your Miracle!!

Thanks for another of your fantastic template designs. So cute with the photo placement for the photos. I can't believe that in such a short time we have accumulated such a template collection to 78 & that's excluding any purchases. HUGS! XOXOXOXO

Sarebear said...

thank you! I love your work.

Simies said...

Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

thank you for the template!

Rona said...

thanks for the template!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Andrea : ) ~ Jo

Kristine said...

Thanks so much for the template!! I used a different template of yours for a LO on my blog....stop by and have a giggle!



My Little Ironies
  • I just had to tell my daughter that there was little probability that she could do eighty chores in two hours and 10 minutes to earn a giant lot of pet shops on Ebay that she wants to earn before the auction closes. That's at two chores per dollar. :)
  • We are helping my father sell an old vehicle and what do we find in the glove unused 12 guage shotgun shell...that's my Dad!!
  • How does a three year old end up at church with no underwear on, especially when you dressed him and you know he had underwear on at one point during the morning?
  • The root of all toilet clogging evil is apparently a ball point pen and it's nearly impossible to dislodge one of those from the inside of a toilet.
  • You know you have to do some serious laundry when you actually consider wearing your 11 year old daughter's Hannah Montana shirt.
  • My 6 year old daughter got a comb stuck in her hair and we had to cut the comb into little bits to get it out of her hair.
  • My kids keep breaking the toilet seats! I guess I need a bulk package of those too!
  • Chocolate chips are not a food group.
  • My toilet seat says "Hailee" on it!
  • If there's work to be done, all of the kids need to use the bathroom or get a drink.
  • All two-year-olds think the baby swing is for them!
  • When you have 6 kids, carpet is your enemy!
  • You know you have a large family when your grocery receipt is 4 feet long.
  • The toilet is clogged and my husband found a plastic easter egg in the pipe.
  • My daughter just asked me if she can put chocolate sprinkles on here melted cheese sandwich (really???)
  • I burned up another hard drive on my PC! Can I buy a bulk package of those too?
  • Well actually, my sand pile is full of socks and silverware!
  • My sand pile is full of socks!
  • The key to my treadmill is missing again...can I just purchase a bulk package of them???
  • I fixed my daughter's glasses with JB Weld!
  • I have a pile of sand on my leather couch.
  • My daughter lost her glasses in the snow on the way home from school in January. Someone found them in March and turned them into the school office! Amazingly enough, the school remembered we lost them in January. Wow!
  • Just when I think he knows better, my 10 year old son plugs the bathroom sink and the emergency drain in the sink basin to soak his grow creature, turns on the water, and forgets about it until we notice water flooding out from under the bathroom door! And yes, he locked the door so no one would bother the grow creature!!
  • It's time for another worn out pair of the hubby's pants to disappear! Aren't kids suppose to be the only ones who are attached to clothing?
  • My 4 year old says she needs "peace and quite"!!!!!
  • My Husband says there's a perfectly good reason for the leatherman being in my dish drainer.
  • I have a leatherman (fancy pocket knife) in my dish drainer. I don't know why.
  • My kids are storing a tumble weed in my garage for the winter!
  • My 10 year old son informed me that people have only discovered about half of the world's caves (thank you BBC and planet earth!)
  • My baby's car seat is full of finely crushed graham crackers (?? Little babies don't eat graham crackers)!
  • My husband's shoes are filled with Mr. Potato Head parts!
  • My two year old thinks the new baby swing is for him! He can even climb in by himself and work all the controls. Boy, does he have a rude awakening coming!!
  • I have a giant mud hole in my back yard.
  • My vacuum is fully of plastic easter grass.
  • My kids are too full to finish their dinner, but they have plenty of room left for cake!
  • I have a giant laundry basket full of socks, and we can't find a single match!
  • Miscellaneous items found while cleaning out my kids' toy box include a flashlight, rocks (no suprise), a sea shell (we don't live by the sea), a drill bit, a stapler, and some tree bark!
  • My daughter's medical bills added up to about $18,000, but we got a free sippy cup and a ball signed by the Utah JAZZ Dancers!
  • I put safety locks on the tops of my outside doors to keep my three year old from escaping and she figured out how to open them with a broom in approximately five minutes.
  • I bought the EXPENSIVE vacuum this time only to find that my 3-year-old took it apart with a screwdriver!
  • I haven't showered for 3 days, but my house is clean!
  • I have 38 winter gloves of various sizes in my coat closet and none of them match.
  • We're out of peanut butter because my husband used the rest to catch a mouse in our garage!
  • Yes, my son won 1st place in the science fair at school, but he didn't turn in half of his assignments this term?
  • No matter how many toys my toddler got for Christmas, I still find him in the middle of my kitchen floor sitting in my crock pot!
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