I started my med's this week and it's been alright. It's made for a somewhat emotional week though. I'm not usually like that but sometimes when so many things compound onto each other it could affect anyone. My husband bought me some chocolate when he went to the store tonight. He's been really great through all of the stress lately.
A long time ago, I had a friend who was having terrible health issues and in the hospital all the time and I heard her husband joke that he wish he would have know her medical future when they got married. As I've struggled the last year with the reality of my situation and dealt with bad heath despite my worst efforts to avoid it, I've thought of that friend of mine and what her husband said. It's weighed on me...the extra stress that MS places on a family and a spouse. So, the other night we were watching TV and I asked him, "Would you have married me if you would have known what we would deal with because of my health?" He just got a slight smile on his face and without even hesitating said, "Well sure, why not?" I don't think he knows how much I needed to hear that exact answer and how much I love him for it! So, I thought it would make great inspiration for a new kit. So, I have a new kit in my shoppe called "He Loves Me". Here's a preview:
>>>>>>You can buy it here and it's 20% off! :)<<<<<<
Just because I'm feeling really great about things today, here is a double template for you and you can have the whole thing all at once this time too:
Download expired.
Have a great Sunday!
Thanks for the comments!
My Little Ironies
- I just had to tell my daughter that there was little probability that she could do eighty chores in two hours and 10 minutes to earn a giant lot of pet shops on Ebay that she wants to earn before the auction closes. That's at two chores per dollar. :)
- We are helping my father sell an old vehicle and what do we find in the glove box...an unused 12 guage shotgun shell...that's my Dad!!
- How does a three year old end up at church with no underwear on, especially when you dressed him and you know he had underwear on at one point during the morning?
- The root of all toilet clogging evil is apparently a ball point pen and it's nearly impossible to dislodge one of those from the inside of a toilet.
- You know you have to do some serious laundry when you actually consider wearing your 11 year old daughter's Hannah Montana shirt.
- My 6 year old daughter got a comb stuck in her hair and we had to cut the comb into little bits to get it out of her hair.
- My kids keep breaking the toilet seats! I guess I need a bulk package of those too!
- Chocolate chips are not a food group.
- My toilet seat says "Hailee" on it!
- If there's work to be done, all of the kids need to use the bathroom or get a drink.
- All two-year-olds think the baby swing is for them!
- When you have 6 kids, carpet is your enemy!
- You know you have a large family when your grocery receipt is 4 feet long.
- The toilet is clogged and my husband found a plastic easter egg in the pipe.
- My daughter just asked me if she can put chocolate sprinkles on here melted cheese sandwich (really???)
- I burned up another hard drive on my PC! Can I buy a bulk package of those too?
- Well actually, my sand pile is full of socks and silverware!
- My sand pile is full of socks!
- The key to my treadmill is missing again...can I just purchase a bulk package of them???
- I fixed my daughter's glasses with JB Weld!
- I have a pile of sand on my leather couch.
- My daughter lost her glasses in the snow on the way home from school in January. Someone found them in March and turned them into the school office! Amazingly enough, the school remembered we lost them in January. Wow!
- Just when I think he knows better, my 10 year old son plugs the bathroom sink and the emergency drain in the sink basin to soak his grow creature, turns on the water, and forgets about it until we notice water flooding out from under the bathroom door! And yes, he locked the door so no one would bother the grow creature!!
- It's time for another worn out pair of the hubby's pants to disappear! Aren't kids suppose to be the only ones who are attached to clothing?
- My 4 year old says she needs "peace and quite"!!!!!
- My Husband says there's a perfectly good reason for the leatherman being in my dish drainer.
- I have a leatherman (fancy pocket knife) in my dish drainer. I don't know why.
- My kids are storing a tumble weed in my garage for the winter!
- My 10 year old son informed me that people have only discovered about half of the world's caves (thank you BBC and planet earth!)
- My baby's car seat is full of finely crushed graham crackers (?? Little babies don't eat graham crackers)!
- My husband's shoes are filled with Mr. Potato Head parts!
- My two year old thinks the new baby swing is for him! He can even climb in by himself and work all the controls. Boy, does he have a rude awakening coming!!
- I have a giant mud hole in my back yard.
- My vacuum is fully of plastic easter grass.
- My kids are too full to finish their dinner, but they have plenty of room left for cake!
- I have a giant laundry basket full of socks, and we can't find a single match!
- Miscellaneous items found while cleaning out my kids' toy box include a flashlight, rocks (no suprise), a sea shell (we don't live by the sea), a drill bit, a stapler, and some tree bark!
- My daughter's medical bills added up to about $18,000, but we got a free sippy cup and a ball signed by the Utah JAZZ Dancers!
- I put safety locks on the tops of my outside doors to keep my three year old from escaping and she figured out how to open them with a broom in approximately five minutes.
- I bought the EXPENSIVE vacuum this time only to find that my 3-year-old took it apart with a screwdriver!
- I haven't showered for 3 days, but my house is clean!
- I have 38 winter gloves of various sizes in my coat closet and none of them match.
- We're out of peanut butter because my husband used the rest to catch a mouse in our garage!
- Yes, my son won 1st place in the science fair at school, but he didn't turn in half of his assignments this term?
- No matter how many toys my toddler got for Christmas, I still find him in the middle of my kitchen floor sitting in my crock pot!
Andrea - I have Lupus and I am not the wife, mother or daughter I used to be, but with the bad comes the good. I am very lucky that my husband understands and he says all the time if it were him, I would stand by him - and I would. Try to find a support group, mine helps me and my husband. Love the new kit, and yes, he does love you! Also, thank you for this very nice template!
Andrea, these templates are great...thanks :) Love the new kit too. Hope you are feeling better.
Glad to hear things are better now and that you are on a up swing physically. I pray that it continues for a long time.
Thank you so much for the double today and you know that your star templates are always my favs!!!
Love & Blessings!
Thanks so much for the neat templates!
Thank you so much for the double template! Hope you are feeling better soon. Love your new kit:)
Sorry you've had such a rough week. Isn't it wonderful when our husband say just the right thing. I used 2 of your templates yesterday for GDS font challenge and I also posted them on my blog. Thanks for all your creative help in helping me to get stuff done in fun and decorative ways. Wow 2 pages in one day this is great.
I am so glad that your family is so supportive and helpful. I can't imagine how difficult it must be do deal with illness day after day, but you come through it with such a positive outlook. You really are inspiring. You and your husband are blessed to have each other. Thanks for another beautiful template. Yours are always my favorite.
He is a gem, but so are you. Health, financial or other problems will plague most families. The true test of love is those that endure.
Thank you for the new template and as soon as I get back I will be taking a look at your new kit.
Thanks for all your wonderful templates.
Thanks so much for the templates. You have a lovely family!
This kit is beautiful and reflects the love you two share. Hang in there. Thanks for sharing your spirit and your talent with us!
Thanks for this wonderful template! It's hard when either spouse has a chronic condition/illness, and it's difficult for others to understand what a strain it is for the ILL spouse because we worry about the healthy spouse. Hang in there, and thanks for being such an inspiration to us all.
Glad to hear your dh is so supportive. Kudos to him!
Thank you for the templates! I love them.
Oh Andrea your story made me cry. You have a wonderful husband and your in my thoughts a lot since I saw the post on your MS. My son has MD (muscular dystrophy) which in a way effects the body in a similar way but for different reasons. He is only 10 and has been in a wheelchair since he was 7. I feel the same way your about him as your husband does about you. I feel really sad for what you said about your friends husband. That breaks my heart. I am happy that you have a husband that stands by you! Have a great day sweetie! Tammy Dunlap
Thanks so much for the template!
I'm glad you're feeling better. I really hope the medication works for you, especially since you've gone as long as you possible could without it. Your husband is so sweet:) I'm glad you have good support at home!
Sounds like you have a wonderfully supportive husband! That can make all the difference in the world when faced with all things we can't completely control.
Love the new kit! Thank you for the double template!
Aw, that made me cry. Whadda catch you have!
Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. It gives me courage and strength for the relatively small things I face. You have a wonderful family and it's a pleasure to know all that you share with us. Thank you for yet another amazing template. Your's are the ones that inspire me to scrapbook more.
Thank you again.
Thank you for the wonderful template Andrea! I'm so glad you're having a good day!
Your spouse loves you in spite of your illness and you love him in spite of his difficulties or faults. That is the beauty of a happy marriage and that is the kind of relationship you want for eternity. You are blessed! :)
Thanks for the template. I also went and purchased the kit as well as some of your other templates. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you for the templates. Your husband sounds like a special guy!
Thank you so much for your generosity and congratulations on getting a keeper in the husband department.
I am so glad that you have the support of a loving and caring husband. I know that can make all the difference.
Thank you for continuing to share your talent with all of us. Your perseverence is an inspiration. :)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You are very blessed with a good husband and a KNOWLEDGE of what life is really about:) Thank you for your generosity. You are wonderful!
Andrea your husband is the essence of what deep abiding love is all about--Weathering the storms of life as well as the Bright and Heavenly Sunshines. Give him "An Extra Big Hug from the Older & Wiser Learner (OWL) in Baltimore, Maryland." I am 73 and my sister is 83. She has Myathenia Gratis (Have you ever heard of that one? It is connected with the organization for MS) Normally you are wheelbound within a year. She was just released from Johns Hopkins Hospital this week and has outlived all the odds for the past 9 years. They really do not know how to treat what I have, Monoclonal Gammopathy(MGUS)and Demyeliniating Neuropathy-Origin Unknown. I am back in Chemo because My double-dosed milkshake of one week hospitalization because I could not control my muscles and contiuing 4 weeks of additional chemo which is supposed to last for 4 months only lasted 4 weeks. They are two different diseases, which means two different treatments & Specialists who work closely together- Hematologist and Neurologist. Constant pain is my life and the Neuropathy that is normally associated with Diabetics completely paralysis various parts of my body. My sister and I are both blessed because we did not have these diseases while raising out children. She has one child, I have 4.
Andrea you have a helpmate and that makes all the difference in your day-to-day life's struggles. It is a known fact and reseaarch has proven that patients of Cancer and other type diseases are impacted by the family and their day-to-day life patterns. Positive vibes are a strong conduit for longevity in patients success.
Thanks for the 2-page templates with your star trademark as well as placement for so many photos. Love the journaling column that allows for so much information. HUGS!!
I didn't intend to write so much but at times it just happens. As I always say to you, Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!!
So appreciated your comments today. They echo thoughts I've had myself. I've had fibromyalgia for 2 years and a couple of crazy pregnancy years previous to that. I am so inspired by your templates and kits. You do so much with what you're coping with.
For me and my hubby - we've had to redefine what our roles are and change how we relate to one another. He is so supportive. It's been difficult for me to let him do things that strengthen him. He loves to run and is working towards several marathons. You do what you can and find things you can enjoy together. What a blessing to have someone who is committed to making it work! Loves and Hugs!
What a CUTE story! :) Thanks for the template!
Oh Andrea my heart goes out to you. What a wonderful hubby you have and I am so glad he said just the right thing at just the right time. :)
Beautiful kit and thank you for sharing you wonderful talents with us all.
Thanks for both sides at once :) Your new kit is beautiful and I love your inspiration. It sounds like you have a wonderful husband!
Found your site today thanks to IkeaGoddess. Made me laugh and cry and I got a great template. How good a deal is that! Thanks so much and I hope things go well for all your family - they sound wonderful - especially the one in the crockpot!
Andrea, I have so much admiration for your attitude. I have many, many people I know with MS. The one with the worse case (she was diagnosed over 13 years ago) and with medication she is doing very well. My (one of these days ex) mother-in-law claims to have been diagnosed with it over 15 years ago, has never been on meds and does not see a doctor for it. Everyone else falls in between but are all doing well.
Don't let it get you down. Keep your chin up and don't let this diagnosis defeat you - You defeat it (remission is just around the corner)! You will be there to watch your children grow up, graduate, get married and will enjoy grandchildren one day. Just keep yourself positive and don't allow this monster take over your life!
I have faith in you abd will pray for you! If you need me I'll be there! I can be reached at renaenick at centurytel dot net.
Thank you so much for all you give and all you are!
With love, Renae (renaenick)
Andrea, you are blessed to have a wonderful husband that truly loves you. Ain't love grand? My husband and I have been married for almost 39 years, and I can't think of life without him. I'd take him sick, or healthy, doesn't matter to me. He's still the same person inside.
Thanks so much for the wonderful double template. :)
Andrea, thanks for the beautiful template. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
thanks for sharing more awesome templates!
Isn't it wonderful when men say the right words at the right time? Sounds like he is a keeper. Thanks for the templates, as usual they are great.
Thank you for the great templates.
You and your hubby are lucky to have each other.
Thank you for the templates and for sharing your story, it reminds me of how blessed I,(we)both are. I have dealt with cancer and major pain issues for the last eight years. My husband has had to take over cooking, cleaning and all household duties. I've had 9 major operations to remove a kidney and other organs for tumors. Life has been hard and I sometimes focus on me and my pain and take for granted all that my husband has been through and all that he does. Thank you for reminding me how special it is and how not every husband reacts the same way. Bottom line: we need to appreicate our spouses and remember that life is short and that we are not promised a tomorrow. We need to enjoy everyday and treasure all that we've been given.
Thanks again!
What a great guy! You deserve such a knight in shining armor. Thanks for the template!
Thanks so much for the great templates, and I hope you're feeling better!
I'm so glad for you that you got such a wonderful husband, to hear such thing warms the heart.
Thank you so much for sharing the double pager, this will sure come in handy. And here are three LOs with your templates, two of them are a double pager too. http://zeldazoey.blogspot.com/2008/04/brandbilar.html
You have the best templates, Andrea. Thank you so much for sharing them.
Gorgeous kit Andrea! Sounds like he really does love you too!
Having a great husband is the best isn't it? I guess we're the lucky ones- so many of my friends are not so lucky!
Thank you for the templates!
Hi Andrea,
Having a sweet husband like yours and your positive attitude makes everything better.
Thanks so much for your templates, all are gorgeous and so your new kit.
WOW! Great that your husband is so understanding and supportive, especially when your friend is no where as lucky. And, you only have to read through these comments (as I have just done) to see how appreciated and loved you are. So I will add my bit.... thanks for all the work you do, I love your work and am now the proud owner of quite a few sets and I love the fact I can get a commercial licence for these. I am singing your praises on my blog as well. Take care!
Yippie! TY! Love this
LOVE YOU DAUGHTER! I would take this from you but I can't. Having said that, I would like to add my praises to your support system--esp. your wonderful husband. We all have challenges in this life, and it's how we face them that shows our true character. May these trials strengthen you, is my prayer for you and your family.
Love, Mom xoxoxo
That's a beautiful kit Andrea. And an awesome double page template.
I am sending hugs and good vibes to you! :)
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